Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 8-1. Collections classes and inheritance
SortedSet and SortedMap are specialized sets and maps that maintain their ele‐
ments in a sorted order.
Collection , Set , List , Map , SortedSet , and SortedMap are all interfaces, but the
java.util package also defines various concrete implementations, such as lists
based on arrays and linked lists, and maps and sets based on hash tables or binary
trees. Other important interfaces are Iterator and Iterable , which allow you to
loop through the objects in a collection, as we will see later on.
The Collection Interface
Collection<E> is a parameterized interface that represents a generalized grouping
of objects of type E . Methods are defined for adding and removing objects from the
group, testing an object for membership in the group, and iterating through all ele‐
ments in the group. Additional methods return the elements of the group as an
array and return the size of the collection.
The grouping within a Collection may or may not allow
duplicate elements and may or may not impose an ordering
on the elements.
The Java Collections Framework provides Collection because it defines the fea‐
tures common to all common forms of data structure. The JDK ships Set , List , and
Queue as subinterfaces of Collection . The following code illustrates the operations
you can perform on Collection objects:
// Create some collections to work with.
Collection < String > c = new HashSet <>(); // An empty set
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