Java Reference
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@param regexp The regular expression to search for . This string
argument must follow the syntax rules described for
{ @link java . util . regex . Pattern }.
{@linkplain reference }
The {@linkplain} tag is just like the {@link} tag, except that the text of the
link is formatted using the normal font rather than the code font used by the
{@link} tag. This is most useful when reference contains both a feature to
link to and a label that specifies alternate text to be displayed in the link. See
“Cross-References in Doc Comments” on page 233 for a discussion of the fea
ture and label portions of the reference argument.
When a method overrides a method in a superclass or implements a method in
an interface, you can omit a doc comment, and javadoc automatically inherits
the documentation from the overridden or implemented method. The {@inher
itDoc} tag allows you to inherit the text of individual tags. This tag also allows
you to inherit and augment the descriptive text of the comment. To inherit
individual tags, use it like this:
@param index @ { inheritDoc }
@return @ { inheritDoc }
This inline tag takes no parameters and is replaced with a reference to the root
directory of the generated documentation. It is useful in hyperlinks that refer to
an external file, such as an image or a copyright statement:
< img src = "{@docroot}/images/logo.gif" >
This is < a href = "{@docRoot}/legal.html" > Copyrighted </ a > material .
{@literal text }
This inline tag displays text literally, escaping any HTML in it and ignoring
any javadoc tags it may contain. It does not retain whitespace formatting but is
useful when used within a <pre> tag.
{@code text }
This tag is like the {@literal} tag, but displays the literal text in code font.
Equivalent to:
& lt ; code & gt ;{ @literal < replaceable > text </ replaceable >}& lt ;/ code & gt ;
The {@value} tag, with no arguments, is used inline in doc comments for
static final fields and is replaced with the constant value of that field.
{@value reference }
This variant of the {@value} tag includes a reference to a static final field
and is replaced with the constant value of that field.
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