Java Reference
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@exception java . io . FileNotFoundException
If the specified file could not be found
The @exception tag can optionally be used to document unchecked exceptions
(i.e., subclasses of RuntimeException ) the method may throw, when these are
exceptions that a user of the method may reasonably want to catch. If a method
can throw more than one exception, use multiple @exception tags on adjacent
lines and list the exceptions in alphabetical order. The description can be as
short or as long as necessary to describe the significance of the exception. This
tag can be used only for method and constructor comments. The @throws tag is
a synonym for @exception .
@throws full-classname description
This tag is a synonym for @exception .
@see reference
Adds a “See Also:” entry that contains the specified reference. This tag can
appear in any kind of doc comment. The syntax for the reference is explained
later in this chapter in “Cross-References in Doc Comments” on page 233 .
@deprecated explanation
This tag specifies that the following type or member has been deprecated and
that its use should be avoided. javadoc adds a prominent “Deprecated” entry
to the documentation and includes the specified explanation text. This text
should specify when the class or member was deprecated and, if possible, sug‐
gest a replacement class or member and include a link to it. For example:
@deprecated As of Version 3.0 , this method is replaced
by { @link # setColor }.
The @deprecated tag is an exception to the general rule that javac ignores all
comments. When this tag appears, the compiler notes the deprecation in the
class file it produces. This allows it to issue warnings for other classes that rely
on the deprecated feature.
@since version
Specifies when the type or member was added to the API. This tag should be
followed by a version number or other version specification. For example:
@since JNUT 3.0
Every doc comment for a type should include an @since tag, and any members
added after the initial release of the type should have @since tags in their doc
@serial description
Technically, the way a class is serialized is part of its public API. If you write a
class that you expect to be serialized, you should document its serialization for‐
mat using @serial and the related tags listed next. @serial should appear in
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