Java Reference
In-Depth Information
sections that follow this example document the default implementation of each
method and explain why you might want to override it.
The example uses a lot of the extended features of the type system that we met last
chapter. First, it implements a parameterized, or generic, version of the Comparable
interface. Second, the example uses the @Override annotation to emphasize (and
have the compiler verify) that certain methods override Object .
Example 5-1. A class that overrides important Object methods
// This class represents a circle with immutable position and radius.
public class Circle implements Comparable < Circle > {
// These fields hold the coordinates of the center and the radius.
// They are private for data encapsulation and final for immutability
private final int x , y , r ;
// The basic constructor: initialize the fields to specified values
public Circle ( int x , int y , int r ) {
if ( r < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "negative radius" );
this . x = x ; this . y = y ; this . r = r ;
// This is a "copy constructor"--a useful alternative to clone()
public Circle ( Circle original ) {
x = original . x ; // Just copy the fields from the original
y = original . y ;
r = original . r ;
O n
// Public accessor methods for the private fields.
// These are part of data encapsulation.
public int getX () { return x ; }
public int getY () { return y ; }
public int getR () { return r ; }
// Return a string representation
@Override public String toString () {
return String . format ( "center=(%d,%d); radius=%d" , x , y , r );
// Test for equality with another object
@Override public boolean equals ( Object o ) {
// Identical references?
if ( o == this ) return true ;
// Correct type and non-null?
if (!( o instanceof Circle )) return false ;
Circle that = ( Circle ) o ; // Cast to our type
if ( this . x == that . x && this . y == that . y && this . r == that . r )
return true ; // If all fields match
return false ; // If fields differ
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