Java Reference
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public void push ( Linkable node ) { ... }
public Linkable pop () { ... }
// This method returns an Iterator object for this LinkedStack
public Iterator < Linkable > iterator () { return new LinkedIterator (); }
// Here is the implementation of the Iterator interface,
// defined as a nonstatic member class.
protected class LinkedIterator implements Iterator < Linkable > {
Linkable current ;
// The constructor uses a private field of the containing class
public LinkedIterator () { current = head ; }
// The following 3 methods are defined by the Iterator interface
public boolean hasNext () { return current != null ; }
public Linkable next () {
if ( current == null )
throw new java . util . NoSuchElementException ();
Linkable value = current ;
current = current . getNext ();
return value ;
public void remove () { throw new UnsupportedOperationException (); }
Notice how the LinkedIterator class is nested within the LinkedStack class.
Because LinkedIterator is a helper class used only within LinkedStack , having it
defined so close to where it is used by the containing class makes for a clean design,
just as we discussed when we introduced nested types.
Features of member classes
Like instance fields and instance methods, every instance of a nonstatic member
class is associated with an instance of the class in which it is defined. This means
that the code of a member class has access to all the instance fields and instance
methods (as well as the static members) of the containing instance, including any
that are declared private .
This crucial feature was already illustrated in Example 4-2 . Here is the Linked
Stack.LinkedIterator() constructor again:
public LinkedIterator () { current = head ; }
This single line of code sets the current field of the inner class to the value of the
head field of the containing class. The code works as shown, even though head is
declared as a private field in the containing class.
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