Java Reference
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class B extends A {
int i ; // This field hides i in A
int f () { // This method overrides f() in A
i = super . i + 1 ; // It can retrieve A.i like this
return super . f () + i ; // It can invoke A.f() like this
Recall that when you use super to refer to a hidden field, it is the same as casting
this to the superclass type and accessing the field through that. Using super to
invoke an overridden method, however, is not the same as casting the this refer‐
ence. In other words, in the previous code, the expression super.f() is not the
same as ((A)this).f() .
When the interpreter invokes an instance method with the super syntax, a modified
form of virtual method lookup is performed. The first step, as in regular virtual
method lookup, is to determine the actual class of the object through which the
method is invoked. Normally, the runtime search for an appropriate method defini‐
tion would begin with this class. When a method is invoked with the super syntax,
however, the search begins at the superclass of the class. If the superclass imple‐
ments the method directly, that version of the method is invoked. If the superclass
inherits the method, the inherited version of the method is invoked.
Note that the super keyword invokes the most immediately overridden version of a
method. Suppose class A has a subclass B that has a subclass C and that all three
classes define the same method f() . The method C.f() can invoke the method
B.f() , which it overrides directly, with super.f() . But there is no way for C.f() to
invoke A.f() directly: super.super.f() is not legal Java syntax. Of course, if C.f()
invokes B.f() , it is reasonable to suppose that B.f() might also invoke A.f() .
This kind of chaining is relatively common when working with overridden meth‐
ods: it is a way of augmenting the behavior of a method without replacing the
method entirely.
Don't confuse the use of super to invoke an overridden
method with the super() method call used in a constructor to
invoke a superclass constructor. Although they both use the
same keyword, these are two entirely different syntaxes. In
particular, you can use super to invoke an overridden method
anywhere in the overriding class while you can use super()
only to invoke a superclass constructor as the very first state‐
ment of a constructor.
It is also important to remember that super can be used only to invoke an overrid‐
den method from within the class that overrides it. Given a reference to an Ellipse
object e , there is no way for a program that uses e to invoke the area() method
defined by the Circle class on e .
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