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Finally, you need to link the new page back to the home page by editing it and adding the line:
Anything between the brackets will be the hyperlink text. Then anything between the parentheses will be the
link. In our case, we link the “wiki” and the page called “home.” Anywhere this code appears will link back to the main
“Home” page.
Using Markdown
Markdown is an efficient syntax for quickly generating wiki pages. GitHub-flavored markdown is very code friendly and
easy to use. More details of GitHub markdown are found here: https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-
markdown . Also, the HelloGitHub project has an interactive version of this file here: https://github.com/ProArd/
HelloGithub/wiki/Markdown . The following are the basic code and page formatting options to get started quickly:
Code Blocks
We work with a lot of code in documentation, and showing examples quickly and easily is critical. To indicate a code
section, we use three back ticks “```” to start a code block and we use three more back ticks “```” to close a code block.
This makes it simple to add code into your documentation and examples. You can also specify the type of highlighting
for your project. In the case of Arduino projects, you would be using C++ or C as the formatting and coloring options.
You can choose not to show highlight with “no-highlght”.
* Code goes here.
void setup() {
void loop() {
* Code goes here.
void setup() {
void loop() {
Linking to files.
The label for the hyperlink is placed between square brackets “[ ]”, and then the link is placed between the parentheses
“( )”, as in the example. When linking external documents or images, the full link can go inside the parentheses. When
linking to pages or files in the wiki, the the entry needs to begin “(wiki/”, and everything after that is a page name or
filename completed by the last “)”.
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