Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Here is the command-line option for setting your global user information:
$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
$ git config --global user.email you@example.com
With these settings in place, your system is ready to start working with the Git repositories, and GitHub. Your
system will now properly indicate the code changes you make, and the changes you submit will be cryptographically
accountable. This makes working with GitHub seemless.
GitHub Tools
Now that you have Git installed, and a GitHub account, you have your own area for repositories and account
management on GitHub. I prefer to install the Git command line software prior to the GitHub GUI tools. That way,
there is a command-line tool and GUI access for your project files. This lets you experience the best of both worlds.
Figure 2-4 shows the GitHub GUI configured to display projects on the local system. This shows your repositories
and what organizations they belong to, as well as their overall status. It is possible to drill down into each project and
examine individual files. Importantly, the Git GUI will generate the security keys for you.
Figure 2-4. GitHub GUI on Mac OS X
You are now up and running with GitHub. GitHub GUI will list your repositories on GitHub and synchronize
changes from both your local repositories and your GitHub repositories. It provides a nice level of convenience, but
learning the command line version of Git will offer better access to the revision control features, and showing the code
differences between versions.
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