Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 11-7. Gameduino to Arduino Mega
Arcade and Game Resources
The following list provides some extra resources that might be helpful for further research into game construction
and development. It includes examples of suppliers that handle arcade equipment and supplies. Some professional
arcade game development companies are listed to provide an example of arcade games and the industry.
www.artlum.com : This site has a lot of Gameduino projects, including a tutorial on how to
connect a classic NES controller to an Arduino.
www.brainwagon.org/the-arduino-n-gameduino-satellite-tracker : This is a wonderful
nongame project that uses the Gameduino.
www.adafruit.com/products/787 and www.adafruit.com/products/786 : Provided here are
two different coin mechanisms available from Adafruit industries.
www.coinmech.com and www.imonex.com : These are two good sources for commercial-grade
coin mechanisms.
www.deltroniclabs.com : This company provides commercial-grade ticket dispersers.
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