Hardware Reference
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Chapter 11
Game Development with Arduino
Game development on the Arduino can push both the hardware resources and the developer's imagination to their
potential. Games can be simple or extremely complex, challenging skills or even telling a story. This chapter explores
game development as it is related to the Arduino. Games can come in all forms, from a few LEDs testing skill or luck to
a full graphical side-scroller made with the help of the Gameduino.
The Arduino is a great platform to get started with when first getting in to game development, being easy to
program and expand upon. Modern computer games are incredibly complex and are targeted at a large number
of different end devices; they usually involve a lot of development and have game engines that are difficult to
understand. This makes it difficult for individual developers to complete these types of projects on their own. With
Arduino, developers can build great games, and test and distribute their games with greater ease than with modern
computer and console games.
Games Suitable for the Arduino
The average processing power of microcontrollers makes them well suited for the development of coin-operated
(coin-op), medal, redemption, and merchandiser-style arcade games. Here are some examples of these types of games:
Coin-op are games usually table sports played on a table (for example, air hockey and pool)
that charge a fee for one complete game.
Coin pushers and slot machines are examples of medal games.
Redemption games include alley roll and whack-a-mole; these games give tickets to be traded
for prizes.
Claw cranes are in the game category of merchandisers, which give the prize directly to
the player.
The pinball machine is another popular arcade game. This style game is in the same category
as the medal and redemption games, but dates back (in its current form) to the 1950s.
These arcade games became quite popular at video arcades in the early to mid-1990s, just after the peak of video
arcades themselves and are still used and developed for modern arcades.
Arcade owners began to use coin-op, redemption, medal, and merchandiser games to keep the arcade industry
alive after the widespread availability and acceptance of game consoles and personal computers lowered arcade
attendance. I'll refer to these types of games as arcade games to avoid any confusion with video arcade games, such as
Space Invaders, Centipede, and Pac-Man.
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