Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2-1 . SpriteBuilder user interface
Resource Navigator (on the left). This is a tab bar view where you'll find
the following: from the leftmost tab to the rightmost tab: your project files in
the File View (depicted) with a resource preview area and a list of files be-
low the preview; a visual overview of resources in the Tileless Editor View ;
a list of available nodes in the Node Library View ; and any warnings or er-
rors (hopefully, none ever) in the Warnings View .
Stage View (at the top center). This is where the contents of a stage (which
can be a scene, layer, node, particle emitter, or sprite) are displayed. You can
select nodes in this view and use selection handles to move, resize, or rotate
selected nodes.
Timeline View (bottom center). This is where nodes and joints in the stage
are listed on the left side in hierarchical order, defining node draw order and
parent-child relationships. The right side is the actual timeline, with its key-
frame editor used to create animations ( animations here being changes to a
node's properties over time).
Details Inspector (on the right), also known as Detail View . This is also a
tab bar view with four panes. From left to right they are Item Properties ,
where you'll find the selection's editable settings and properties; Item Code
Connections , where you can assign custom classes, variables, and selectors;
Item Physics , where you can enable physics and edit physics body and shape
properties; and finally, the Item Templates tab, which is used to create named
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