Game Development Reference
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Accordingly, if you want the particle effect to emit a continuous, uninterrupted
stream of particles, the total particle count must be large enough and the life-
time and/or emit rate may need to be reduced.
Start size and End size refer to the size of particles when they are spawned and when their
lifetime ends, respectively. The values are linearly interpolated during the lifetime of the
particle. Given that particle textures are square, the dimensions refer to both particle width
and height.
In this example, ignoring the variation values for a moment, the particles start out at
150x150 and after 6 seconds, the moment they disappear, their size will be 300x300.
That's pretty big for particle effects, but that size can be effective for creating large-scale
effects using relatively few individual particles.
Start spin and End spin determine both the rotation of the particles at the start and end of
their lifetime as well as the speed of rotation. The rotation speed is determined by the dif-
ference between Start spin and End spin , which is linearly interpolated over the particle's
lifetime. If Start spin was 0 and End spin was 360 , the particles would rotate one revolu-
tion over their lifetime. Naturally, this rotation will be faster if the lifetime is 1 second
rather than 10 seconds.
The Angle sets the initial direction the particles take, in degrees and in counter-clockwise
direction. An angle of 0 degrees means the particles move to the right; an angle of 90 de-
grees means the particles move upward.
Start color and End color determine the color and transparency that particles begin and
end their lives with. The colors are interpolated linearly over the lifetime of a particle.
If you want the particles to fade out smoothly toward the end, make sure to set the Opa-
city in the color wheel dialog to 0% for the End color . If you want to avoid the particle
having to change its initial color over its lifetime, use black as the End color . Most com-
monly, particles are set up to end with the color black at 0% opacity to create a nice and
smooth fade-out effect.
Blend src and Blend dst are the same settings as for Sprite nodes. They affect how the
particles blend with the background. Unlike most other nodes that support blending,
particles default to additive blending. Basically, this means that particles brighten the
already existing background colors.
Most combinations of src and dst blend values just create more or less black rectangles.
Besides the two basic modes— Normal and Additive —I found that Dst Color for src with
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