Game Development Reference
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Add the code in Listing 11-18 just below the code fragment of Listing 11-17 . There may
already be a didLoadFromCCB method in the class. If there is, you should replace it
with the one in Listing 11-18 .
Listing 11-18 . Initializing the format string and updating it once
-(void) didLoadFromCCB
_hitsLocalizedFormatString = _hitsLabel.string;
[self updateHitsLabel];
-(void) updateHitsLabel
if (_hitsLabel)
_hitsLabel.string = [NSString stringWithFormat:
The _hitsLocalizedFormatString will be set to either “Hits: %i” or “Treffer:
%i” depending on the system language. The updateHitsLabel method then uses the
_hitsLocalizedFormatString as the format string in NSString 's
stringWithFormat method. The _hitCount variable provides the value that %i
should be replaced with. So after the CCB is loaded, the bitmap font's label string will be
either “Hits: 0” or “Treffer: 0”, depending on the language.
Now add the method in Listing 11-19 just below updateHitsLabel . Every time you
want to update the hit-count label, you can call that method and it will increase the
_hitCount variable before updating the label's string.
Listing 11-19 . Increasing the hit-count label
-(void) increaseHitCount
[self updateHitsLabel];
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