Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
You'll add touch input and parallax scrolling of multiple background layers in this
chapter. You'll learn to use Sprite Sheets and prefabs. A player prefab is introduced, and
its simplistic movement is performed by move actions.
Chapter 4 —Physics and Collisions
You learn how to add physics to a game, specifically immovable, impenetrable walls as
well as dynamic bodies. Player movement is replaced by actual physics. Collision call-
back methods are used to trigger the level exit. How to enable physics debug drawing is
also explained.
Chapter 5 —Timelines and Triggers
Timelines are explained in depth, and then used to animate rotating physics objects. You'll
learn how to create trigger areas that run code when the player enters them. The resulting
project now makes simple physics interactions possible.
Chapter 6 —Menus and Popovers
A powerful, yet easy way to create popover menus, such as the pause and game over
menus, is explained. The same concept can be used to create full-screen menus without
interrupting the running scene. The menus are animated with the Timeline, using Timeline
delegate methods to receive notifications when a Timeline has ended.
Chapter 7 —MainScene and GameState
The main menu is designed with an animated background and a settings menu with audio
volume sliders. A GameState class is introduced, which stores global, user-specific game
data via NSUserDefaults .
Chapter 8 —Selecting and Unlocking Levels
A level selection screen is added with the help of the Scroll View node. How
CCScrollView works, how it can be programmed, and how you can respond to its delegate
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