Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 10-12 . Adding distance joints to the center add stability to the soft-body player
Try this version in the game. It feels almost complete, depending on what you imagine a
good soft-body player should feel like.
Improving the Soft-Body Player
There are numerous ways to create a soft-body object, but many follow the same guiding
principles outlined so far. There are also many ways to tweak the behavior of the soft-
body player without changing the setup by much.
I'd like to suggest some changes that you may want to experiment with at a later point:
Center Body:
Increase or decrease its circle shape radius.
Increase or decrease the body's density (and thus its mass).
Remove “player” from its mask to prevent circumference bodies
from colliding with it.
Circumference Bodies:
Change the friction and elasticity to alter the collision behavior with
borders and other objects.
Double the number of circumference bodies while decreasing their
circle shape radius.
Circumference Distance Joints:
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