Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
CGPoint offset = (_softBodyPlayer ?
: CGPointZero);
[self scrollToTarget:_playerNode withOffset:offset];
If the _softBodyPlayer flag is set, instead of the force being applied to the _play-
erNode , it is applied to all nodes. Remember that _playerNode is the center node in
the PlayerSoftBody.ccb , so its children are the soft-body player's physics-enabled nodes.
And each one is now accelerated instead of the _playerNode .
Note It may be worth a try at a later time to apply the force only on the
_playerNode (center node) or to spread the force unevenly—for instance,
applying the force only on the circumference bodies and not on the center body.
Each approach will result in different movement behavior, and you are welcome
to experiment.
The scrollToTarget: method is called with the _playerNode 's parent position as
offset , just like in Listing 10-5 before.
Before you can compile this code without errors, you'll have to update the
scrollToTarget: method. Apply the changes highlighted in Listing 10-7 . It's not
much, you just need to add the withOffset:(CGPoint)offset parameter and add
the offset to target.positionInPoints in the line where viewPos is assigned.
The rest of the method is omitted for brevity. You should not remove the remainder of the
method; rather, leave it unchanged.
Listing 10-7 . Adding the offset parameter to the scrollToTarget: method
-(void) scrollToTarget:(CCNode*)target
CGSize viewSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].viewSize;
CGPoint viewCenter = CGPointMake(viewSize.width / 2.0,
viewSize.height / 2.0);
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