Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Note Changing the color property applies the so-called color-tinting effect to
the node. You cannot make a sprite brighter than its original image through tint-
ing because there is no brighter tint color than white. Applying white as the col-
or (the default) will make the node look like its original image.
Since unlocking levels occurs only while playing the GameScene , the code in Listing 8-8
does not need to re-run every time the Scroll View is shown. This is good because the
Scroll View simply toggles its visible state to show and hide; therefore,
didLoadFromCCB will run only once, when the MainScene has been loaded.
Closing the Level-Selection Popover
The level-selection popover can be closed with the CloseButton.ccb instances
you've already added to each page. The CloseButton class forwards the
shouldClose message to the first parent that implements it. So that's what you'll have
to do, meaning that you add the code in Listing 8-9 just below the didLoadFromCCB
method in MainMenuLevelSelect.m .
Listing 8-9 . Closing means hiding the Scroll View
-(void) shouldClose
self.parent.visible = NO;
[_mainMenuButtons show];
The Content node's parent instance is the Scroll View . So all it takes is to set the parent's
visible status to NO and then let the MainMenuButtons node show itself.
Loading Levels
What's left is to register button presses for each level and test if that level is unlocked or
not. If it is, load the level; otherwise, well, maybe later you'll play a dismissive sound ef-
fect in that case.
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