Game Development Reference
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Now add the logo and title for each world. On the Tileless Editor View , make sure the oth-
er UserInterface folder is checked—the one that refers to the UserInterface Sprite Sheet
containing all the W# images. You can see an excerpt in Figure 8-4 .
Figure 8-4 . The UserInterface Sprite Sheet with the various W# images used for the Scroll View pages
Drag the W1_logo onto the W1_bg sprite. Then drag the W1_title onto the W1_logo sprite.
W1_title should be a child of W1_logo , and W1_logo should be a child of W1_bg . Then
repeat this step for the W2 and W3 title and logo images, and be sure to add them to their
corresponding W2 and W3 background sprites. See Figure 8-5 for reference.
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