Game Development Reference
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LearnSpriteBuilder[67794:60b] scroll view: <CCScrollView
= 0x9b54490 | Name = >
If there is still a playButtonPressed method in MainScene , you can remove that.
It was used by the original play button that you added way back in Chapter 2 . You should
also check if MainScene.ccb still contains that button. If it does, you can remove that as
well. If you remove the button and its selector code, you won't be able to play the first
level for now, but you'll add this functionality back in shortly.
For now, you don't need to do anything further with the CCScrollView ivar, but it will
be used shortly to explain how to react to certain Scroll View events.
Next, create a new Cocoa Touch Class as shown in Figure 2-10 and 2-11. Name the class
MainMenuLevelSelect , and make it a subclass of CCNode . Once the class is created,
open the MainMenuLevelSelect.h and add the code highlighted in Listing 8-2 .
Listing 8-2 . MainMenuLevelSelect header
#import "CCNode.h"
@class MainMenuButtons;
@interface MainMenuLevelSelect : CCNode
@property (weak) MainMenuButtons* mainMenuButtons;
The additions are analogous to those in SettingsLayer , enabling the
MainMenuButtons class to assign itself to the MainMenuLevelSelect class so
that it can send messages back to it. You'll need it only for closing the level-selection pop-
over, just like you did in SettingsLayer , too.
MainMenuLevelSelect.m does not need any modifications for now.
MainMenuButtons.m , on the other hand, requires several additions. Add the code high-
lighted in Listing 8-3 .
Listing 8-3 . Excerpt of MainMenuButtons.m with new additions highlighted
#import "MainMenuButtons.h"
#import "SettingsLayer.h"
#import "MainMenuLevelSelect.h"
@implementation MainMenuButtons
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