Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
SettingsLayer is loaded by CCBReader , using the full path to the SettingsLayer.ccb
file. Then the mainMenuButtons reference is assigned, and the settingsLayer is
added as a child not to the MainMenuButtons class but to its parent (the MainScene
instance). This is because the MainMenuButtons instance itself is set to invis-
ible —if the settings layer were a child of MainMenuButtons it, too, would be hid-
den. That would be counterproductive.
You can now run the game and tap the Settings button to open the settings popover. If you
move the sliders, you will see lines like the following (shortened) lines logged to the
Xcode Console:
[..] volume changed, sender: <CCSlider = 0x10a13ebf0 | Name
= musicSlider>
[..] volume changed, sender: <CCSlider = 0x10a135f70 | Name
= effectsSlider>
Each sender object is a different instance of CCSlider . If you gave the sliders a name on
the Item Properties tab, this name will also be logged.
Dismissing the Settings Popover
You can't currently dismiss the settings popover. You should fix that by introducing a gen-
eric close button. You can use the same button for other layers, and you can use the same
concept in general for buttons that should instead forward their selectors to a specific par-
ent class.
But in many cases, you can't do that because buttons and other CCControl nodes send
their selector to the document root—the CCB root node's custom class. Especially if the
Button would be in its own CCB file, you would have to create a separate button for each
specific task—perhaps even separate buttons for the same task but different use cases.
There's a simple solution.
Right-click the UserInterface folder and select New File . Name the new document
CloseButton.ccb and, for a change, use the Node type before clicking Create . With the
root node selected, switch to the Item Code Connections tab and set its custom class. Here
it should be named CloseButton .
Then drag a Button node from the Node Library View onto the stage. On the Item Proper-
ties tab, you need to change only the button's sprite frame for the normal state and the
Highlighted State to SpriteSheets/UserInterface/S_back.png and change the Background
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