Game Development Reference
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change the images associated with the slider's background (the stretchable line) and the
slider's handle.
Figure 7-11 . Slider image settings
Change the Background image to SpriteSheets/UserInterface/S_bar.png , and set the
Handle image to SpriteSheets/UserInterface/S_ball.png for the normal state (the topmost
setting in Figure 7-11 ) .
Set both the Background and Handle images to <NULL> for the Highlighted State . This
means the highlighted state—the state while the user is dragging the handle—will use the
same images as the normal state.
Note that the slider background image should have a specific size, since it is stretched as
needed. This goes for other stretchable CCControl images as well, such as the button
background image. Internally, the slider and button use the CCSprite 9 Slice node for the
images; however, that sprite's properties are not exposed. So if you use an incorrectly
sized slider or button background image, it will look anywhere between “not quite cor-
rect” to abhorrent—or just not what it's supposed to look like.
You will find the default slider and button images in any SpriteBuilder project in the
ccbResources folder if you need to look up the sizes of the built-in images.
The ccbSliderBgNormal.png and ccbSliderBgHighlighted.png images are used as the
slider's default background images. The images are 28x10 pixels in size but have their
Scale from property (shown in Figure 3-8 in Chapter 3 ) set to 2x. You can use the 28x10
size for your own background images and set the Scale from property for those images to
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