Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6-9 . An example for the resume game Timeline with a blinking READY! label
If you also want to add some kind of ready indicator, drag and drop a Label TTF node
from the Node Library View onto the stage. This node should be a child of the root node
but not a child of the P_bg sprite. Change the label's text to READY! , and increase its
Font size to 100 . Feel free to edit any other label properties as you see fit. But do uncheck
the label's Visible check box at the very top of the properties tab so that it starts out ini-
tially hidden. You should also change the label's position types to % and values to 50 so
that it is centered on the stage.
With the new label still selected, move the Timeline Cursor to about the 1-second mark,
and then press V . Move the Timeline Cursor to the right, and press V again. Repeat this
until you have about three equally spaced and sized Keyframe Segments as seen in Figure
6-9 . Drag and move the keyframes to even out the spacing, or intentionally make the spa-
cing uneven. The important part is that the last keyframe should set the label's Visible
property to NO . There will be a pink Keyframe Segment drawn between each two key-
frames where the label is visible.
If you play this animation, the menu will zoom out and move to the upper left, at which
point the ready label starts to blink three times. If you run this in the game, the game will
resume when the Timeline reaches the Callbacks keyframe.
As an exercise for you, add three additional Callbacks keyframes at the same time stamps
where the label becomes visible. Use the same selector updateReadyCounter for
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