Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Caution It's a common mistake to set the custom class of the button itself, con-
sequently creating a subclass of CCButton to handle the button selectors. But-
tons are never the receivers of their own selectors.
Select the root node in GameMenuLayer.ccb , and switch to the Item Code Connections
tab. In the Custom class field, enter GameMenuLayer .
Furthermore, you'll want access to the GameMenuLayer root node from within the
GameScene class. Open GameScene.ccb , select the sub file node referencing
GameMenuLayer.ccb , and then set Doc root var to _gameMenuLayer . This will
assign a reference to the GameMenuLayer.ccb root node to the GameScene ivar named
_gameMenuLayer , which you'll add next.
Caution Another common mistake is to edit the Doc root var field of the
GameMenuLayer.ccb root node rather than its reference in GameScene.ccb . Do-
ing so will literally create a self reference in a GameMenuLayer ivar.
Changing the variable type to Owner var will not work either because the
owner is a reference you specify in code when using the CCBReader method
load:owner: .
Programming the GameMenuLayer
It's time to fire up Xcode again to add the GameMenuLayer class and the
shouldPauseGame method.
Your first goal should always be to make new code connections technically functional as
soon as possible and verify that they work. It's a potential waste of time to start writing
code without first confirming that the connected selectors actually run and the ivars or
properties are being assigned properly. You may be inclined to find the flaw in your logic
instead, possibly wasting time looking for issues in all the wrong places. It's the program-
ming equivalent for “Did you plug it in?” issues.
Implementing and Confirming Code Connections
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