Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Tip If you find that you often need to use the scheduleBlock: trick to pre-
vent space locked errors, you should consider updating the triggerActiv-
atedBy: method in Trigger.m so that the call to didTrigger-
WithNode: is already deferred to a scheduled block. If you do that, you no
longer have to schedule blocks in TriggerDelegate classes, but on the oth-
er hand all didTriggerWithNode: messages will be deferred.
If you run the project now, the saws start rotating as soon as the player enters a trigger
area. The current state of the project can be found in the folder 06 - Triggered An-
imations .
In this chapter, you've learned how to create keyframe animations using the Timeline edit-
or and how to play back these animations via CCAnimationManager .
You then added a generic Trigger class that allows you to run code whenever the player
enters a given trigger area. Trigger and target nodes are connected simply by giving them
the same name.
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