Game Development Reference
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NSLog(@"completed animation sequence: %@", name);
Every time this method runs, it will log the name of the animation whose playback ended.
The method also runs whenever a looping animation has reached the end of its animation
cycle and starts over. This allows you to wait for a looping animation to play back to com-
plete before stopping or replacing it with another animation, in order to prevent nasty
jumps in the animation playback.
Alternatively, you can also set a block that runs whenever an animation ends. The advant-
age is that you do not have to implement the CCBAnimationManagerDelegate pro-
tocol in the current class to do so; the disadvantage is that you get the CCAnima-
tionManager as input, so you have to refer to the lastCompletedSequenceName
property to get the name of the Timeline that ended. It's also slightly more verbose to set
an animation callback block as you can see in Listing 5-5 .
Listing 5-5 . Using an animation callback block to be notified of “animation ended”
sender) {
NSLog(@"completed animation sequence: %@",
Deciding whether to implement the CCBAnimationManagerDelegate protocol or
use the callback block variant is a matter of personal preference.
Differentiating Between Animations
Note once again that each CCB file has its own CCAnimationManager instance. In
this instance, only the animations in Saw1_noautoplay.ccb will call the callback
method in Listing 5-4 .
Likewise, if you were to use self.animationManager.delegate = self; , the
method in Listing 5-4 would run every time a Timeline animation of the GameS-
cene.ccb ends. However, it would not run, for example, when a Timeline animation of
Player.ccb or Background1.ccb ends.
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