Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Moving the Player Through Physics
Because a physics-enabled node with a dynamic physicsBody should not run any move,
rotate, scale, or skew actions, you need to replace the move action with proper physics
The touch events need to change from executing a move action as soon as a touch begins
to merely changing a flag. If this flag is set, it will cause a function called from the up-
date: method to accelerate the player in a given direction.
In GameScene.m , add the following four ivars within the @implementation brack-
ets, as seen in Listing 4-1 .
Listing 4-1 . Additional ivars needed for physics movement
@implementation GameScene
__weak CCNode* _levelNode;
__weak CCPhysicsNode* _physicsNode;
__weak CCNode* _playerNode;
__weak CCNode* _backgroundNode;
CGFloat _playerNudgeRightVelocity;
CGFloat _playerNudgeUpVelocity;
CGFloat _playerMaxVelocity;
BOOL _acceleratePlayer;
Now locate the touchBegan:withEvent: method and replace its body with the fol-
-(void) touchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent
_acceleratePlayer = YES;
This enables the “user is currently touching the screen” mode.
Of course, you also need to end this mode. To do so, you have to add the touchesEn-
ded: and touchesCancelled: methods as seen in Listing 4-2 .
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