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lar, the high negative value set for J int
N;C prevents cells from fragmenting (we
refer to [298, 352] for comments). J ext
T;T represents instead the adhesive strength
between the membranes of two nearby cells, a measure of the quantity of ac-
tive and exposed cadherins . Finally, J ext
T;M evaluates the heterophilic adhesive
bonds between the integrins on the cell surface and suitable ligands (such
as laminin and fibronectin) in the extracellular matrix . By setting constant
and homogeneous values for both J ext
T;T and J ext
T;M , we assume a uniform dis-
tribution of adhesion molecules on the cell surface and a homogenous density
of ligands in the external microenvironment. In particular, since malignant
cells have been demonstrated to have reduced cell{cell adhesiveness but in-
creased cell{ECM adhesiveness, due to a change in the relative expression of
the corresponding adhesive molecules [193], we set J ext
T;T 2 J ext
T;M .
H haptotaxis reproduces the effect of cell preferential movement in the direc-
tion of zones with higher concentration of extracellular matrix proteins (such
as fibrin, vitronectin, and some of the collagen family) and is implemented
with a local linear-type relation of the form (1.9):
H haptotaxis = hapt [p t (x target ;t) p t (x source ;t)] ;
where x source and x target are, respectively, the source and the final lattice site
randomly selected during a trial update in a MCS, and
p t (x;t) = p(x;t) + X
x 0 2 0 x
p(x 0 ;t);
where x 2fx source ; x target g; evaluates the local level of ECM proteins sensed
by the moving cell membrane site, as p(x;t) is their amount at site x (de-
fined in Equation (8.6)). Finally, hapt 2R + represents the local strength of
haptotaxis, which is assumed constant for all malignant individuals.
Given the Hamiltonian, the transition probability of a spin flip has the
form of Equation (4.24). In particular, as usual in this topic, p(T ; (t)) =
tanh(T ; (t)). For any cell , T ; , with ( ) = N, is a low constant
positive value, T ;N that mimics the passive motion of the nucleus of . If
( ) = C, T ; = T ;C represents instead, as seen, the intrinsic motility of
the overall cell, which is a measure of the agitation of its cytoskeleton (i.e.,
by the random actin polymerization/depolarization dynamics) and is in this
case assumed to be enhanced by the intracellular level of growth factors (i.e.,
motogen agents) in a dose-dependent manner. Adopting again the notation of
Equations (4.9) and (4.10), for any malignant individual and for ( ) = C,
we have therefore that:
s T ; (x;t) = s T;A
; (x;t) = (n(x;t));
n (t)
N 0 + h (n (t) N 0 )
T ; (t) = T ; (s T;A
; (x;t)) = f T (s T;A
; (x;t)) = T 0
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