Biomedical Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 7.7: Percolative property of tumor-derived endothelial cells. Final
patterns (i.e., after 12 h) formed by initially different numbers of cells. (A)
n = 50, (B) n = 150, (C) n = 200, (D) n = 300, (E) n = 400, and (F)
n = 500. Except from the initial cell density all simulations use the same
standard parameter setting of the realization in Figure 7.3. The scale bar is
100 m long.
FIGURE 7.8: Percolative and \Swiss cheese" transition of tumor-derived en-
dothelial cells. Topological properties of the pattern as a function of the initial
cell density. The error bars show standard deviations over 20 simulations.
from some critical quantities. First, we perform simulations by varying the
initial cell number; see Figures 7.7 and 7.8. Below a critical value, n n c1 =
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