Biomedical Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 6.2: Representation of the initial 3D morphology of the simulated
tumor-derived EC, which is 30 m in length and width and about 15 m in
C 0 = P x 2 c 0 is its total basal level, i.e., the level below which the cell dies.
sur 0 is instead the intrinsic cell resistance to compression at the basal cal-
cium amount C 0 : observing that resting TEC maintain their initial geometrical
configuration, with negligible changes of shape or cytoskeletal active reorga-
nization, we have chosen a high value for surf
. In particular, for saturating
and for such that ( ) = C, surface
levels of Ca 2+
; ! 0, and the cell
can undergo dramatic changes in its morphology in response to the external
H adhesion takes into account only the generalized adhesion between the
nucleus and the cytosolic compartments, which, as seen, is a general extension
of the Steimberg's Dierential Adhesion Hypothesis (DAH), refer to Equation
(4.2). To prevent the cell to split into disconnected patches, we assign a large
negative energy penalty J int
C;N .
Since vascular ECs have been demonstrated to migrate along gradients
of VEGF concentration [157, 360], we add a classical linear-type chemotaxis
term of the form (1.9):
H chemotaxis = ch ; ( x source ) (x source ;t) [q(x target ;t) q(x source ;t)] ; (6.2)
where x source and x target are, as usual, the source and the final lattice sites
randomly selected during a trial update in a MCS and ( ( x source ) ) = C.
Obviously, x source is a site belonging to the border of the cytosolic region,
while x target is a medium site. The parameter ch ; ( x ) represents the local
chemical sensitivity of the cell and evolves according to a Michaelis{Menten
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