Geology Reference
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motor oil, of wastewater treatment plant residues, or of manure is also
forbidden, as is the disposal of household waste, fi lth, industrial waste,
and silage.
Prairies and agricultural fi elds must receive only biological fertilizers in
reasonable amounts: the correct proportioning and the timing of biological
fertilizers (livestock farming byproducts, wastewater treatment residual
sludge) and chemical fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, potassium, synthesized
urea) must be defi ned as a function of the soil grade, texture, and thickness.
Fertilizer spreading must take place only over dry soil, during the vegetative
period, which requires a storage capacity large enough to last the winter.
Intensive culture, which consumes large amounts of fertilizers and
herbicides, and cultures leaving bare soil during the winter, are forbidden
in the close zone, and if possible replaced by natural prairie. Land use in
extensive forested or pastoral zones may remain the same.
4.3 Distant protection zone
The distant protection zone (or distant zone), which encloses the close
protection zone, is meant to enable land management practices that will
consider both development and water protection. It is a tool meant to
direct agricultural land use and the control of community development
projects in the area. Activities considered hazardous are therefore not
recommended in vulnerable zones, and the creation of quarries, factories,
major construction projects, storages, pipelines, or wastewater dumping
points can be considered only after further study. In local urbanisation plans
(PLU), forest and prairie zones must be maintained as much as possible in
order to guarantee the long-term quality of the water being extracted.
4.4 Satellite protection zones
In a close zone (for example), certain faraway points can be closer to the
catchment in terms of time than other points that are closer in distance. If
one of these temporally close points is highly vulnerable, for example if it
is a swallow hole (ponor), a satellite immediate zone can be created around
this point. Similarly, if this ponor was within the distant zone, a satellite
immediate zone could be created around the point, and a satellite close
zone around its drainage basin.
This is the case for the Arcier spring, which has supplied water for part
of Besançon since Roman times. There is one zone around the catchment
and there are four satellite immediate zones (Figure 105), three of which
protect ponors located downslope from villages (particularly the large
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