Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
2 Inventories and fi les
The BRGM underground database covers the French territory and can be
consulted in each department. It locates and provides data on multiple
objects (boreholes, wells, springs, geophysical surveys), but is not
necessarily very up to date.
Other specifi c inventories exist, for boreholes or water bodies, but in
a sparse fashion. They can be asked for and consulted in the most directly
concerned organizations (MISE, DDAF) or in local groups (Departmental
General councils, townships, inter-town alliances, community of
Hydrometric fi les can concern the study area (data on discharge and
water level of rivers and springs over time, piezometric surveys of aquifers).
They can be found with the DREAL (French Environmental administration)
for the national survey network, with the BRGM for specifi c surveys of
certain aquifers, and with EDF (French Electricity Company) for hydrolectric
Files on karst cavities and on tracer test results, generally in municipal
archives, are often put together and even published by local speleology
clubs, by CDS (Departmental commitees on speleology) and by certain
universities specializing in karst systems.
Finally, it can be useful to consult Météo-France (French forecast
administration) to determine the positions of available weather centres,
as well as the nature and precision of the measurements taken, in order to
evaluate their representativity with respect to the study area.
3 Publications and unpublished reports
A bibliographic search is necessary at this point in order to complete
the existing understanding of the study area, beginning with geologic
and hydrogeologic publications in the area under consideration (theses,
colloquium and conference papers, specialized or regional reviews).
Certain regions are rich in unpublished reports, likely to provide very
precise information, but accessing them may require time-consuming
research, sometimes unsatisfying requests for permission, and a good dose
of persuasion. The search must then turn to universities and related research
laboratories, to certain state services (Water Agency, DREAL), to local groups
or large public or private organisations (Departmental councils, townships,
BRGM, EDF, railways and highways companies, water providers) and to
consulting fi rms servicing the area.
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