Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
• To install Sqoop on a SLES system:
$ sudo zypper install sqoop
Sqoop's main configuration file sqoop-site.xml is available in the configuration di‐
rectory ( conf/ when using the tarball or /etc/sqoop/conf when using Bigtop pack‐
ages). While you can further customize Sqoop, the defaults will suffice in a majority of
cases. All available properties are documented in the sqoop-site.xml file. We will
explain the more commonly used properties in greater detail later in the topic.
1.2. Installing JDBC Drivers
Sqoop requires the JDBC drivers for your specific database server (MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
in order to transfer data. They are not bundled in the tarball or packages.
You need to download the JDBC drivers and then install them into Sqoop. JDBC drivers
are usually available free of charge from the database vendors' websites. Some enterprise
data stores might bundle the driver with the installation itself. After you've obtained the
driver, you need to copy the driver's JAR file(s) into Sqoop's lib/ directory. If you're
using the Sqoop tarball, copy the JAR files directly into the lib/ directory after unzip‐
ping the tarball. If you're using packages, you will need to copy the driver files into
the /usr/lib/sqoop/lib directory.
JDBC is a Java specific database-vendor independent interface for accessing relational
databases and enterprise data warehouses. Upon this generic interface, each database
vendor must implement a compliant driver containing required functionality. Due to
licensing, the Sqoop project can't bundle the drivers in the distribution. You will need
to download and install each driver individually.
Each database vendor has a slightly different method for retrieving the JDBC driver.
Most of them make it available as a free download from their websites. Please contact
your database administrator if you are not sure how to retrieve the driver.
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