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Scripting the Sensors
Now that you can read the sensors you may want a way to log the values or just to monitor them from a terminal
screen. As you can see, the commands I gave you to read the two sensors are a little unfriendly to keep typing all the
time. To solve this issue I will give you a little script that can read the DHT11 or the DS1820B. This script will poll the
sensor at your given interval in seconds. The script has two modes of operation.
You can run the script in monitor mode; this will just print the value of the sensor to the
The other mode that the script supports is writing the value of the sensor to a log file.
In Listing 3-1 below you can see the code. The script has a few small assumptions. It assumes that the sensors are
connected to the GPIO pins you used in this chapter and that the Adafruit_DHT binary file is in the same directory as
the script itself.
Listing 3-1. A Script to Read/Log the Sensors
# Description : A simple bash script to monitor or log the temp sensors
# Author : Brendan Horan
function ds1820_mon {
echo Polling DS1820 every $SLEEP seconds.
for (( ; ; ))
echo Temperature is :
cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/10-0008027e34ca/w1_slave | grep t= | cut -c 30-31
sleep $SLEEP
function dht11_mon {
echo Polling DHT11 every $SLEEP seconds.
for (( ; ; ))
echo Temperature and humidity is :
./Adafruit_DHT 11 17 | grep Temp | tr "," "\n"
sleep $SLEEP
function ds1820_log {
echo Logging DS1820 to file every $SLEEP seconds. >> $LOG
for (( ; ; ))
echo Temperature is : >> $LOG
cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/10-0008027e34ca/w1_slave | grep t= | cut -c 30-31 >> $LOG
sleep $SLEEP
function dht11_log {
echo Logging DHT11 to file every $SLEEP seconds. >> $LOG
for (( ; ; ))
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