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Congratulations! It's time to eject your SD card from the host machine and see if your system boots. One thing
to keep in mind is that this install of Gentoo will be lacking pretty much any useful tools and all configuration will
be missing.
If your installation has gone well you should be greeted by a login prompt. Don't worry so much about any errors
on the first boot: a few fixes need to happen before you will get a clean boot. Log in as root; you're now going to fix
a few things to enable an SSH login and some other issues that just affect the Raspberry Pi.
The first thing you need to fix is the initial time and the hardware clock errors on boot. To turn off the hardware
clock, run the following command:
# rc-update del hwclock boot
You're going to need to add the software clock to the boot level now:
# rc-update add swclock boot
For the software clock to work, you need to set the initial date on the system. Set the date and time with the
date command:
# date MmddHHmmCCyy
This is my command as an example:
# date 122013402012
You also need to copy your time zone file to overwrite /etc/localtime ; this sets your machine's time zone. Take
a look in the /usr/share/zoneinfo/ directory for your time zone file. I used the following command to set my time
zone to Hong Kong:
# cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Hong_Kong /etc/localtime
Now that the time is close to being correct, reboot your machine. This will allow the swclock script to write the
current shutdown time to a file that it can reference on the next boot.
Log back in to your Raspberry Pi; it's time to get the network up and running. Change into the /etc/init.d
directory and run the following command:
# cp net.lo net.eth0
You can now set the network card to start on boot with this command:
# rc-update add net.eth0 boot
Also add sshd to start on next boot with this command:
# rc-update add sshd default
The last thing you must do before you are able to log in via SSH is to configure an IP address. You do this in the
file /etc/conf.d/net or you use a DHCP client. If you select DHCP, nothing needs to be added to /etc/conf.d/net .
If you're going to use a DHCP client, you must install a client. To install a simple DHCP client run this command:
# emerge net-misc/dhcp
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