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Now you're going to create two files under the /storage/.config directory: an NTP
config file and the autostart file. Create a file using vi called ntp.conf with the contents of
Listing 7-3. Do note I said to use vi, not Vim. Vim is not installed on OpenELEC; the basic
commands will be the same as Vim so you're fine.
Listing 7-3. The ntp.conf File
server 0.asia.pool.ntp.org iburst
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
restrict default nomodify nopeer
interface ignore all
interface listen eth0
Change your server to a different NTP server close to your region. Check
http://pool.ntp.org for this information.
Next, in the same directory create a file called autostart.sh . Enter the contents of Listing 7-4
into this file. This will start the NTP daemon with the config file we created before.
Listing 7-4. The autostart.sh File
# Autostart for ntp
/usr/sbin/ntpd -c /storage/.config/ntp.conf
The last step is setting the autostart file to have execution permissions. Do that with the
following command:
# chmod +x /storage/.config/autostart.sh
It's now a good time to reboot your Raspberry Pi to make the NTP daemon start on boot.
In Figure 7-12 you can see where NTP has printed information into the message log by running this command:
# cat messages | grep ntp
Figure 7-12. The NTP daemon starting with the correct time
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