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Figure 6.2 Network used for illustrating the shortest path algorithm, with the length of each
arc indicated. 'N' indicates node.
table' in Table 6.3, each node has a distance from the source node that is ini nity (•)
and the next node back from each node (parent) to the origin is blank. 'Included' indi-
cates nodes which have comprised part of the shortest route to a node at any stage.
Note that, using this approach, costs (e.g. distances) must be positive. h e example is
presented numerically, rather than graphically, as a key concern is to show exactly how
the algorithm operates.
h e description of the shortest path algorithm that follows is based on that given by
Wise (2002) and makes reference to the format shown in Table 6.3:
Select the non-included node with the shortest distance to the source.
Include this node (i.e. replace 'N' in the i nal column with 'Y'). h e distance
from this node back to the source node is indicated by dist( n ).
Identify the nodes connected to node
n that are still not included (they have an
entry 'N' in their i nal column). h e distance between each of these nodes ( m )
and the node n is given by d( nm ).
For each of the
m nodes:
if dist( n ) + d( nm ) < dist( m ) then dist( m ) = dist( n ) + d( nm ) and parent( m ) = n
that is, if there is a shorter route from the source node to node m via node n
then the entry for node m is updated with the new total distance i gure and the
parent value for node m is set to n (the previous node along the path from the
origin node). h e algorithm is illustrated below with reference to the
sub-tables that comprise Table 6.3.
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