Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
h e chapter introduces some key methods and concepts which will hopefully aid
understanding of other approaches not considered here.
Case studies
h is section comprises two case studies that make use of the same data set, which is
provided on the topic website. h e data represent elevations in Switzerland and pre-
cipitation amounts for 8 May 1986; the number of observations is 467. h e data are
described by Dubois (2003) and the precipitation measurements are shown in Figure 8.12.
h e i rst case study makes use of Moran's I autocorrelation coei cient to explore spa-
tial variation in precipitation amount. h e second study uses GWR to explore spatial
variation in the relationship between elevation and precipitation amount.
8.7.1 Spatial autocorrelation analysis
Moran's I was computed using geographical weights with the Gaussian weighting
function dei ned in Equation 8.1. For a 10-km bandwidth, I was 0.722, indicating
strong positive spatial autocorrelation in precipitation amounts. h e data were further
Precipitation (mm)
100 km
Figure 8.12 Precipitation measurements for 8 May 1986 in Switzerland.
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