Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Further reading
Each chapter details some texts that provide more detail on the topics discussed. In this
case, some introductions to GIS are suggested. General introductions with descriptions
of data models, data input procedures, and spatial data management include the topics
by Burrough and McDonnell (1998) , Longley et al. (2005a) , and Heywood et al. (2006) . The
topics edited by Longley et al. (2005b) and Wilson and Fotheringham (2008) provide
detailed accounts of key issues and concepts. There are also several general introduc-
tions to GIS written for specifi c disciplines or research areas. These include topics for
geoscientists ( Bonham-Carter, 1994 ), social scientists ( Martin, 1996; Steinberg and
Steinberg, 2006 ) and archaeologists ( Conolly and Lake, 2006 ).
The following chapter introduces some key concepts in GIS and is the fi rst of three
chapters that outline some fundamental principles on which the rest of the topic builds.
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