Agriculture Reference
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would be ideal to establish optimum breeding objectives
to achieve maximum effi ciency of multipurpose goats
(Shrestha and Fahmy, 2007).
No separate breed categories for multipurpose breeds
are provided here to avoid duplications. In the strictest
sense, most of the breeds found in the developing countries
are used for multiple purposes.
Science, Popular Scientifi c Papers ( 4 ): 18 - 22 . http://www. c/campbell.pdf .
Casey , N.H. and W.A. Van Niekerk . 1988 . The Boer Goat I.
Origin, adaptability, performance testing, reproduction and
milk production . Small Ruminant Research 1 : 291 - 302 .
Cheng , P. 1984 . Livestock breeds of China . Animal Production
and Health Paper 46 , FAO, Rome , Italy .
Council of Scientifi c and Industrial Research. 1970. The
Wealth of India. Raw Materials VI. Suppl. Livestock
(including poultry). Published Information Directorate,
CSIR , New Delhi, India .
Devendra , C. 1981 . Meat production from goats in developing
countries. In: Intensive animal production in developing
countries , Thames Ditton , UK ; British Society for Animal
Production 395-406. Occasional Publication, British
Society of Animal Production, 4.
Devendra , C. 2007 . Goats: biology, production and develop-
ment in Asia . Academy of Sciences , Malaysia .
Devendra , C. and M. Burns . 1983 . Goat production in the
Tropics. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International,
Wallingford , UK .
Dmitriez , N.G. and L.K. Ernst . 1989 . Animal Genetic
Resources of the USSR. Animal Production and Health
Paper 65 Published by FAO, Rome, pp. 517.
Dohner , J.V. 2001 . The Encyclopedia of Historic and
Endangered Livestock and Poultry Breeds. Yale University
Press, Exhibits Department, New Haven, CT.
Epstein , H. 1969 . Domestic Animals of China . Commonwealth
Agricultural Bureau, Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire,
UK , pp. 166 .
Epstein , H. 1971 . The origin of the domestic animals of
Africa. Revised in collaboration with I.L. Mason. Vol. I.,
Vol. II., New York. New York, London, and Munich.
Epstein , H. 1977 . Domestic animals of Nepal . Homes and
Meier Publishers, Inc. , NY .
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) . 2004 . http://www. .
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) . 2007 . Food and
agriculture organization statistical database. http://faostat. .
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) . 2009 . http://dad. Retrieved October 2009.
Galal ,
The highest diversity among goat breeds of the world is
found in the developing countries with goats being raised
under extensive systems. Most breeds have not been exten-
sively characterized or described. Consequently, it is dif-
fi cult to appraise potential strengths and weaknesses of
these breeds. This makes it diffi cult to develop strategies
for breed improvement and management programs appro-
priate for the small farmers who own most of the goats in
the world. In addition, a clearer understanding of variabil-
ity among breeds should provide goat breeders with an
opportunity to design effective programs to develop com-
posite mating systems. Although most indigenous goats
are used primarily to produce both milk and meat, improved
breeds that excel in dairy, meat, and fi ber production have
been identifi ed and developed and potentially can be used
in crossbreeding programs to improve productivity of the
environmentally well-adapted indigenous goat breeds.
Acharya , R.M. 1982 . Sheep and goat breeds of India . FAO
Animal Production and Health Paper 30, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome,
Italy , pp. 190 .
Alexandre , G. , G. Aumont , N. Mandonnet , and M. Naves .
1999. The Creole goat of Guadeloupe (French West Indies):
an important genetic resource for the humid tropics. Anim.
Genet. Resour. Inform. 26 : 45 - 55 .
Bhatnagar , D.S. , O.S. Tomer , and R. Nagarcenkar . 1971 . All
India coordinated research project on breeding and man-
agement of goats for milk. In: Annual Report, 1971,
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, New Delhi,
India ; Indian Council of Agricultural Research 53 - 54 .
Board of Agriculture . 1993 . Managing Global Genetic
Resources: Livestock. National Research Council, National
Academy Press , Washington, DC .
Briggs , H.M. and D.M. Briggs . 1980 . Modern Breeds of
Livestock . 4th ed . The MacMillan Company , New York .
Burke 's Backyard Magazine . 2009 . Fact Sheets . http://
Campbell , Q.P. 2003 . The origin and description of southern
Africa's indigenous goats. South African Society of Animal
2005 .
goats .
Research 60 : 75 - 81 .
Gall , C. 1981 . Goat Production . Academic Press , London/
New York .
Gall , C. 1996 . Goat breeds around the world . CTA, Margraf/
FAO, Weikersheim , Deutschland .
Gipson , T. 1996 . Breeds and breeding plans . In: Meat Goat
Production Handbook. Sponsored by Rural Economic
Development Center, Raleigh, NC, and Mid-Carolina
Council of Governments, Fayetteville, NC.
Glowatzki - Mullis , M.L. , J. Muntwyler , E. Baumle , and C.
Gaillard. 2008. Genetic diversity measures of Swiss goat
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