Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Housing Requirements
S.G. Solaiman , PhD, PAS
Housing principles—factors such as climatic data, fl oor design, and space allowance that must be considered for proper
animal housing.
Animal requirements—factors such as animal comfort, animal welfare, and health that must be considered for animal
Homeotherms—warm-blooded animals that maintain their body temperature within a predetermined range of
Thermoneutral zone—a range of ambient temperature at which energy expenditure is minimal for regulating body
Lower critical temperature—a lower range of ambient temperature when animal productivity is negatively impacted.
Upper critical temperature—a higher range in ambient temperature that negatively impacts animal production.
Space allowance—the space required by a goat to perform its natural behavior of resting, eating, bipedal stance, and
Confi nement housing—represents a maximum housing system where animals are enclosed with food and water pro-
vided for them.
Extensive housing—represents a minimum housing system where goats are outdoors and eat at their free will.
Specialized housing—represents a special requirement for housing dairy goats, including the barn, milking parlor, and
milk room.
By completing this chapter, the reader will acquire knowledge on:
￿ Production systems and their housing requirements
￿ Extensive systems housing requirements
￿ Intensive systems housing requirements
￿ Principles for housing requirements
￿ Animal requirements for housing
￿ Physical requirements for housing
￿ Housing structures for goats
￿ Equipment required for housing
￿ Specialized buildings for dairy goats
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