Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
This chapter defi nes and describes the fi bers produced by
goats that have signifi cant commercial value (that is, cash-
mere and mohair) in the following terms: the goats that
grow them, quantities produced, geographical areas of pro-
duction, genetics and selection for fi ber production, effects
of environment, nutrition, age, sex, current production
conditions and problems, biology of fi ber growth, other
fl eece constituents, physical and chemical properties, sub-
jective evaluation and objective measurement, harvesting,
marketing, textile manufacturing, applications, and end
of goat fi bers. A Textile & Fibre Research Institute
(Melbourne) Report to the Rural Industries Research and
Development Corporation. Barton, Australia. 117 pp. (284
Li Y. , M. Ning , S. Yaqin , L. Weimin , and L. Yujie . 1996 .
Effects of non-genetic factors on main economic traits in
Liaoning cashmere goat. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Goats,
Beijing . Vol. 1: 202 - 204 .
Litherland , A.J. , C. Toerien , T. Sahlu , P. Lee , and A.L.
Goetsch . 2000 . Effects of season on fl eece traits of Angora
does in the US . Small Ruminant Res. 38 : 63 - 70 .
Lupton , C.J. , J.E. Huston , J.W. Holloway , B.G. Warrington ,
D.F. Waldron , P.V. Thompson , F.A. Pfeiffer , and K. Qi .
1996 . Animal performance and fl eece characteristics of
Angora goats maintained on western and southern Texas
rangeland . J. Anim. Sci. 74 : 545 - 550 .
Lupton , C.J. , D.L. Minikheim , F.A. Pfeiffer , and J.R. Marshall .
1995. Concurrent estimation of cashmere down yield and
average fi ber diameter using the Optical Fiber Diameter
Analyzer. Proc. 9th Int. Wool Text. Res. Conf. Biella, Italy.
Vol. 2: 545 - 554 .
Lupton , C.J. , F.A. Pfeiffer , and N.E. Blakeman . 1991 .
Medullation in mohair . Small Ruminant Res. 5 : 357 - 365 .
Lupton , C.J. , F.A. Pfeiffer , and A.R. Dooling . 1999 . Prediction
of cashmere style using objective fi ber measurements.
Sheep & Goat Res. J. 15 : 1 - 4 .
Ma Ning , L. Yongjun , S. Yaqin , L. Weimin , and L. Yujie .
1996. Estimates of genetic parameters of main economic
traits in Liaoning cashmere goats. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on
Goats, Beijing. Vol. 1: 199 - 201 .
McGregor , B.A. 1988 . Effects of different nutritional regi-
mens on the productivity of Australian cashmere goats and
the partitioning of nutrients between cashmere and hair
growth . Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 28 : 459 - 467 .
McGregor , B.A. 2007 . Cashmere fi bre crimp, crimp form and
fi bre curvature . Int. J. Sheep & Wool Sci. 55 : 105 - 129 .
McGregor , B.A. , M. An , and Y. Jiang . 1991 . Fleece metrol-
ogy of Liaoning cashmere goats. Small Ruminant Res.
4 : 61 - 71 .
McGregor , B.A. and K.L. Butler . 2008 . The effects of cash-
mere attributes on the effi ciency of dehairing and dehaired
cashmere length . Text. Res. J. 78 : 486 - 496 .
Millar , P. 1986 . The performance of cashmere goats . Anim.
Breed. Abstracts. 54 , 3 : 181 - 199 .
Murthy , G.S.N. and T. Ramasami . 1992 . Technological
aspects of processing of goat skins. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on
Goats, New Delhi . Vol. 2, Part 2: 534 - 540 .
Naidu , A.S. 2000 . Recent advances in the production and use
of goat skins. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Goats, Tours, France.
Vol. 2: 627 - 630 .
Pattie , W.A. and B.J. Restall . 1992 . Genetical and environ-
mental factors affecting cashmere production. Proc. 5th Int.
Conf. on Goats, New Delhi . Vol. 2, Part 2: 502 - 512 .
Blakeman , N.E. , R.P. Rogers , C.J. Lupton , F.A. Pfeiffer ,
and M. Shelton . 1990 . Comparison of fi ber traits
between Angora, Spanish, Angora × Spanish, and
Cashmere × Spanish kids. Proc. Int Goat Prod. Symp.
October 22 - 25. Tallahassee, FL : 203 - 205 .
Dalton , J. and R. Franck . 2001 . In: Silk, mohair, cashmere and
other luxury fi bres . R.R. Franck , editor. Woodhead
Publishing Ltd. , Cambridge, England . Pp. 142 - 143 .
Dooling , T.A. and A.R. Dooling . 1996 . An overview of the
status of the cashmere industry in the United States of
America. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Goats, Beijing, China.
Vol. 1: 317 - 320 .
Gifford , G.R. , R.W. Ponzoni , R.J. Lampe , and J. Burr . 1991 .
Phenotypic and genetic parameters of fl eece traits and live
weight in South Australian Angora goats. Small Ruminant
Res. 4 : 293 - 302 .
Hunter , L. 1993 . Mohair: A review of its properties, process-
ing and applications. The CSIR Division of Textile
Technology, Port Elizabeth, South Africa 6000. 278 pp.
(1095 references).
Hunter , L. and E.L. Hunter . 2001 . In: Silk, mohair, cashmere
and other luxury fi bres . R.R. Franck , editor. Woodhead
Publishing Ltd. , Cambridge, England . Pp. 68 - 132 .
Huston , J.E. , C.A. Taylor , C.J. Lupton , and T.D. Brooks .
1993. Effects of supplementation on intake, growth rate,
and fl eece production by female Angora kid goats grazing
rangeland. J. Anim. Sci. 71 : 3124 - 3130 .
Launchbaugh , K. , J.W. Walker , and R.J. Daines , Eds. 2006 .
Targeted grazing: a natural approach to vegetation manage-
ment and landscape enhancement. American Sheep Industry
Association, Centennial, CO.
Lecraw , D. 2005 . Mongolian cashmere industry value chain
analysis. For the Economic Policy Reform and
Competitiveness Project (USAID), Ulan Bataar, Mongolia.
Chemonics International , Washington D.C.
Leeder , J.D. , B.A. McGregor , and R.G. Steadman . 1992 .
A review and interpretation of existing research results
on raw - fi bre - to - end - product properties and performance
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