Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Nonsteroidal Anti - infl ammatory Drugs (NSAID)
NSAIDs are used in the prevention of infl ammation and in
the relief of pain. As a species, goats are apparently very
susceptible to pain and are very vocal when they perceive
pain. The relief of infl ammation allows a more rapid return
to a normal state. NSAIDs would include aspirin, phenyl-
butazone, fl unixin meglumine, ketoprofen, and others.
research has demonstrated that it has no effect on
To protect the health of a fl ock, optimally a well-designed
health program must be in place. The health program
should be fully integrated with other management pro-
grams such as nutrition, grazing, and breeding programs.
Health procedures should coincide with other farm proce-
dures such as ear tagging, castration, and weighing. This
will help to ensure that everything necessary for health is
done at the right time and to the right class of animals.
Herd health is part of good herd management and should
be arranged to fi t in with other procedures or activities on
the farm. The golden rule is that this aspect of farming is
best organized by a knowledgeable veterinarian based on
the feeding and breeding programs to be followed.
Otherwise health measures are often disorganized, incon-
venient, and even forgotten.
Timing of the forage season provides the timing for
kidding season, which provides the timing for the breeding
season, pregnancy, lactation, and weaning. After these
events and dates are decided, the best timings for vaccina-
tion, dipping, spraying, and deworming can be established.
Apart from fi xed vaccination times, other treatments (for
example, for parasites) must be fl exible and will depend
on prevailing environmental conditions.
Essential health measures, desirable measures, and those
that are purely optional (they depend on the disease situa-
tion on a farm) must be identifi ed. Although general health
programs are often requested, the circumstances on each
farm will vary, and it is unwise to attempt to construct a
single program to be used on all farms. A general program
can only serve as a starting point for the process of drawing
up something tailored to the specifi c farm.
Hormones are used in goats primarily for reproductive
purposes (prostaglandin and progesterone). Dexamethasone
is used as a steroidal anti-infl ammatory. Oxytocin is used
as an aid in parturition and for milk letdown.
Electrolytes and Glucose
Electrolyte solutions (sodium, potassium, chlorine, and
bicarbonate) are used to replace fl uid and electrolytes in
animals with diarrhea and for animals that are not eating
or drinking. Calcium solutions are used in the treatment of
milk fever. Glucose solutions are used in the treatment of
hypoglycemia in kids.
Antiseptics (Disinfectants)
Disinfectants are useful for killing bacteria, viruses, fungi,
and some parasites. They are useful for disinfecting prem-
ises, equipment, and wounds. The classes of disinfectants
include alcohols, aldehydes, oxidizing agents such as chlo-
rine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, phenols, and quaternary
In addition to chemical disinfectants, instruments and
tools can be sterilized by boiling in water.
Vaccine use should be based on prevalence or likelihood
of specifi c diseases occurring on the farm. Vaccines should
be administered on a planned basis as part of the herd
health program.
For convenience, these diseases are dealt with in this
section by clinical signs. Some diseases related to nutrition
and reproduction may also be dealt with in other sections
or chapters of this topic, but they may form part of the
presenting group of signs that follow. Space precludes an
extensive description of any of the diseases. The reader is
advised to consult topics and articles that deal at length
with these problems, and a selection is appended in the
Natural Products
Some goat owners tend to be holistic or naturalistic and
use organic and herbal products. Be aware that many of
these remedies do have pharmacological effects, and if
they are given in large doses, they may prove to be fatal.
Some herbal and other products may be of use but many
may not work. In most countries, all remedies are required
to be registered after being tested for safety, effi cacy, and
toxicity. Unsubstantiated claims and unregistered products
in many countries are illegal. Diatomaceous Earth is highly
touted as a safe and effective deworming product. However,
Subcutaneous Swellings
Goats are famous for having “lumps and bumps.” The
main reason for this is that goats get a highly contagious
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