Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Feeds and Feeding Management
S.G. Solaiman , PhD, PAS
Feed ingredients—components of the ration that when eaten will provide nutrients or energy for animals.
Forage—plant materials rich in fi ber that are included in diets.
Concentrates—ingredients rich in energy or protein included in diets.
Manufactured feeds—mixtures of ingredients that often include agro-industrial by-products, urea, and binders.
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) — a tannin - neutralizing compound.
Diet—mixture of feed ingredients consumed by an animal.
Ration—amount of a diet consumed by an animal.
Feeding Management—practice instituted by man to provide feeds to animals.
Feeding System—interactions among animals, plants, and the environment designed to provide feed to sustain life and
Intensive Feeding System—feeding system for animals fed in confi nement.
Extensive Feeding System—feeding system where animals browse or have free range with little or no supplemental
By completing this chapter, the reader will acquire knowledge on:
￿ Different feeds
￿ Feed composition
￿ Management practices involved in feeding goats
￿ Differences in nutrient needs of animals based on their physiological status including growth, pregnancy, and milk
￿ Feeding management for maintenance and growth
￿ Feeding management for meat production
￿ Feeding management for milk production
￿ Feeding management for fi ber production
￿ Feeding system
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