Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
glans penis
collum glandis
free part of the penis
raphe penis
Figure 6.34
Penis, left
lateral aspect.
spongiosum penis are intimately surrounded by two sepa-
rate tunica albuginea. The albuginea sends inside the
corpus cavernosum several septa and trabeculae that form
a characteristic framework for the blood vessels. The
spaces outlined by the framework are called cavernae.
There is a groove on the ventral aspect of the corpus cav-
ernosum, the urethral groove, which protects the passage
of the penile urethra. The body of the penis is double
(S - shaped) fl exed before it reaches the level of the sper-
matic cords. The fi rst fl exure is dorsal to the second. There
is a paired muscle associated with the ventral aspect of the
body of the penis, which originates from the caudal verte-
brae. It attaches to the ventral fl exure and continues crani-
ally diminishing in size, and disappearing before reaching
the glans penis. The penile urethra exceeds the glans penis
by a urethral process, 2.5 cm long (Figure 6.34).
The glans penis is the voluminous end of the free part
of the penis. It is the head of the penis, contains the corpus
spongiosum glandis, and is sharply separated from the free
part of the penis by a neck.
penis (including a seamlike band called “raphe penis”) (see
Figure 6.34) and glans penis. The preputial orifi ce is pro-
vided with an abundance of hairs. There are cranial and
caudal preputial muscles that move the prepuce during
The Female Reproductive System
Similar to the male, the female reproductive system con-
sists of three categories of organs: the reproductive glands
(ovaries), the tubular genital organs (uterine tubes, uterus,
vagina, and the vestibule), and external genital organs
(vulva, clitoris, and urethra). In addition, during preg-
nancy, the placenta develops and it will be described
The function of the ovaries consists of producing ovules,
and secreting different hormones depending on the repro-
ductive cycle.
Paired structures, the ovaries are located within and on
the fl oor of the pelvic cavity. Ovoidal shaped and fl attened,
their surface is irregular because of the follicles and the
corpora lutea (sing. corpus luteum). Each ovary consists
of a superfi cial epithelium, an albuginea (a dense capsule),
and a cortical and a medullary zone. The cortex (the
cortical zone) contains the follicles. The medulla (the
medullary zone) is vascular. Both follicles and vessels are
surrounded by the stroma, the connective tissue framework
of the ovary.
The skin of the ventral aspect of the abdomen surrounds
and protects the free part of the penis under the name of
prepuce. This part of the prepuce is called the external
preputial lamina. The skin refl ects itself inside of the pre-
putial cavity at the preputial orifi ce, and continues with the
internal preputial lamina. The latter attaches to the free part
of the penis and continues cranially with the skin of the
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