Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Functional Anatomy of the Goat
G.M. Constantinescu , DVM, PhD, mult. Dr.h.c. and I.A. Constantinescu , DVM, MS
Median plane—divides the body in two symmetrical halves.
Sagittal (paramedian) planes—parallel to the median plane.
Transverse planes—at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the body, limbs, or any other organ or part.
Dorsal planes—parallel to the back and corresponding surfaces of head, neck, tail, dorsal aspect of the carpus, meta-
carpus, and forelimbs' digits, tarsus, metatarsus, and hind limbs' digits.
Ventral planes—opposite to dorsal planes.
Medial — toward the median plane.
Lateral—opposite to the medial, away from the median plane.
Cranial—toward the head, for the limbs proximal to carpus and tarsus.
Caudal—toward the tail, for the limbs proximal to carpus and tarsus.
Rostral—toward the nose, applied to the head only.
Palmar—the caudal aspect of carpus, metacarpus, and digits.
Plantar—the caudal aspect of tarsus, metatarsus, and digits.
Proximal—near the origin in the limbs, tail, and for the penis, the attached end.
Distal—away from the origin in the limbs, tail, and for the penis, the free end.
Axis—the central line of the body or any anatomical structure.
Axial—toward the axis; in referring to the digits, the axis of the limb passes between the third and fourth digits,
therefore, the axial aspect of each digit faces the axis.
Abaxial—away from the axis; in referring to the digits, the abaxial aspect of each digit faces away from the axis.
By completing this chapter, the reader will acquire knowledge on:
￿ That there is an international terminology for all anatomical structures called Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria
￿ The differences between the several types of bones of the skeleton, and the role of different groups of muscles
￿ The parts of the horn and of the hoof
￿ The differences between the four compartments of the heart and between arteries and veins
￿ The role of the respiratory passages and the respiratory organs
￿ The anatomy and functionality of the prediaphragmatic and the postdiaphragmatic digestive systems
￿ The reproductive system in association with the urinary system, reproductive organs including essential organs,
excretory passages, tubular genital organs, external genital organs, and annex glands
￿ The structure and function of the placenta and mammary glands
￿ The difference between the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems
￿ The location and role of the endocrine glands
￿ The difference between the sense organs
￿ The role of the immune system
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