HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Lists are commonly used to mark up navigation: a list of links . Nested
lists are a good match for the sections and subsections of a website. In
the next section, we'll look at some elements intended to be used inside
the major structural elements we've covered.
Emphasis and typography
Some words and phrases are so important in the context of their para-
graph that they need to be given special emphasis. HTML provides two
elements for this: <em> for emphasis and <strong> for strong emphasis.
<p>The Analytical Engine has no
pretensions whatever to
<em> originate </em> anything. It
can do whatever we know how to
order it to perform. It can
follow analysis, but it has
<strong> no power of anticipating
any analytical revelations or
truths </strong> . Its province is
to assist us in making available
what we are already acquainted
<em> and <strong> are inline elements , intended to appear within a line of
text, whereas <p> , <h1> , and <ul> are block elements , intended to create a
new line of text. See the sidebar “Block and inline elements” for further
Block and inline elements
Visible HTML elements can be split into two broad categories: block and inline.
A block element naturally takes up the full width available to it; consecutive
block elements naturally start below the previous block element. Block elements
include paragraphs, all the headings, and all the list elements you've seen.
Inline elements fit exactly to their content and sit naturally on the line of text in
which they're situated. Inline elements include <strong> and <em> (covered
here) and others such as <b> , <i> , and <abbr> .
The key thing to remember at this point is that block elements can't appear in
an HTML document as the children of inline elements.
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