Database Reference
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You're grabbing data to put into the new line item record you'll be creating later in
this script.
6. Add a Set Variable step. Name the variable $amount and then set its value to
Expenses::Amount .
Grab all the data you need from Expenses before you leave the layout.
7. Add a Go to Layout step. Set it to go to the Line Items layout .
The context has to be right to create your new record.
8. Add a New Record/Request step .
It doesn't have any options.
9. Add a Set Field step. The target field is Line Items::Invoice ID, and the calcu-
lated result is Get(ScriptParameter) .
You need to remember to set this script's parameter when you hook it up to the main
script later.
10. Add a Set Field step. The target field is Line Items::Description, and the calcu-
lated result is “Expense:” & $description .
You have to include the quote marks since you want the calculation to set the static
text Expense : into the field and then add the contents of your $description variable.
11. Add a Set Field step. The target field is Line Items::Price Each , and the calcu-
lated result is $amount .
The amount is how much you spent.
12. Add a Set Field step. The target field is Line Items::Quantity and the calculated
result is 1 .
Don't include the quotes this time, since 1 is a number. You need the value so your
Extended Price can perform its math properly.
13. Add a Set Variable step. Name the variable $lineitemID , and set its value to
LineItems::Line Item ID .
You're grabbing the Line Item ID now so you can put it into the expense record next.
This step creates the relationship between the Line Item and Expenses tables, and it
ensures that the next time you run the script, this same expense record won't be found
14. Add a Go to Layout step. Set it to go to the Expenses layout .
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