Database Reference
In-Depth Information
2. Click the Options button. When the Field Options dialog box appears, click the
Storage tab and then turn on the “Use global storage” checkbox. Click OK .
Since this field isn't holding data about an entity, but is used to change the records
that display in a portal, you need to use a global field.
3. Repeat steps 2−3 to create another global date field called gEnd Date .
Both fields appear in the list.
4. Switch to the Relationships tab. Drag the Globals table occurrence down below
your existing TOGs. Then double-click it, and change its name to Invoice
Finder__GLOBALS .
This new TO will be the anchor in a new TOG, so place it near the left edge of the
graph. You may also need to stretch the TO so its whole name appears.
5. Add a new occurrence of the Invoices table called Invoice Finder_INVOICES
and a new occurrence of the Jobs table called Invoice Finder_JOBS .
Since your portal shows invoices and the job name associated with each invoice, you
need these tables in your group as well.
6. Drag the Invoice Finder_INVOICES::Job ID field onto the Invoice Finder_
JOBS:: Job ID field to create a relationship .
When an Invoice record matches a Job, the Job Name shows in the portal.
7. Refer to Figure 14-21 to create the multi-criteria relationship shown there .
Because FileMaker uses both criteria, the portal you'll build using this relationship
will show Invoices that have dates equal to or between the gStart Date and the gEnd
8. Click OK .
FileMaker returns you to the graph. Your Invoice Finder TOG should look like Fig-
ure 14-22 .
Figure 14-22. This simple TOG will let you build a layout that changes its display when you change
the dates in the two global fields.
Click OK to accept your changes and start testing your new relationship. Create a new layout
and then show records from the Invoice Finder__GLOBALS table occurrence. Add the two
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