Database Reference
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used to a new arrangement of data just because they're performing a different task. Here's
how to copy and edit a portal.
1. Switch to Layout mode and then go to the Invoices layout .
That's where the portal you need is found.
2. Use your favorite technique for selecting multiple items. Grab the Line Items
portal, all its fields, and their labels. Then choose Edit Copy or press Ctrl+C
( -C) .
Make sure they're all highlighted, because it's a pain to come back here if you've
missed something.
3. Switch to the Assign Expenses layout. Make the Body part larger to accommod-
ate the new portal. Click in the approximate spot you want the portal to land and
then choose Edit Paste or press Ctrl+V ( -V) .
If the layout's Body part is big enough, your copied objects will land centered on the
spot where you clicked. Refer back to Figure 14-16 if necessary for guidance on
where to place the new portal.
4. Double-click the portal and then choose Expenses_Invoices_LINEITEMS from
the “Show related records from” pop-up menu .
You need the version of the Line Items table that goes through the Invoice table, and
not the one that's directly connected to Expenses__EXPENSES. The benefits of a
well-chosen naming convention are well worth the extra time and thought you put in-
to using it.
5. Double-click the Description field in the portal to show the Specify Field window.
Change the “Show related records from” pop-up menu to the Ex-
penses_Invoices_LINEITEMS TO and then click OK .
Repeat this step for the portal's other fields.
The major elements of the layout are in place. Add the Expenses::Global Invoice ID field
and a label to the layout, and you're ready to test. Switch back to Browse mode and then
enter invoice number 2014002 in the Global Invoice ID field. When you enter the number in-
to the field, you'll see the invoice's line items appear in the portal below the expense data.
You could add a tooltip showing the Line Item ID to the Description field, or because it actu-
ally makes sense to show an ID field on this layout, just add it to the portal. See Display Data
From for a refresher on making the field safe from accidental editing; see the box on below
to learn more about how global relationships work.
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