Database Reference
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Multiple Criteria Relationships
Just as you can add extra search terms when you're performing a Find, you can also add cri-
teria when you're defining a relationship. For example, the Invoices_Current-Job relation-
ship is one place you might want to add another match field. Your new portal is convenient
for jumping around to see the detail for other invoices related to the same job, but there's a
slightly confusing element to that list. The invoice you're viewing on the layout also appears
in the portal of “other” invoices. So if you're viewing Invoice #2014001, and you glance at
the “other invoice” portal while you're distracted, it's easy to think that there are two in-
voices for $8,011.50. Just as bad, when you view a record that doesn't have any other in-
voices for the same job, the current invoice still appears in the list. The situation would be
clearer if that list didn't show the current invoice. In this case, a multiple criteria relationship
will remove the current invoice from the portal.
Editing a Relationship
You define extra conditions in a relationship so that records match only when they're all met.
In this case, you want to add another criterion to the relationship that says, “Don't show the
record if it's the current invoice.” Here's how to add a new criterion to an existing relation-
1. Choose File Manage Database and then click the Relationships tab .
The Relationships graph appears.
2. Double-click the line between the Invoices and the Invoices_currentJob TOs .
It's easiest to double-click the box with the “=” sign in it rather than trying to hit the
line itself.
The Edit Relationship window appears. The Job ID to Job ID criteria appears in the
list section.
3. Click the Invoices::Invoice ID field and then click the Invoices_current
Job::Invoice ID field .
You're selecting the key fields for the new criterion.
4. From the operator pop-up menu (it's between the two table occurrence lists), se-
lect the “≠” sign .
You want every record that has the same Job ID, but that doesn't match the current In-
voice ID. In other words, don't show the current record in the “other” invoices portal.
5. Click the Add button .
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